Thursday Dumps: Preseason Highlights, USAU Affiliates, White Mountain Open

by | April 11, 2013, 12:09pm 0

  • Another MLU Preseason game is in the books. Burt Granofsky and Ultiphotos bring you the action-packed match-up between the Boston Whitecaps and Harvard Redline. As a personal opinion that has no reflection of the opinions of Skyd, bro tanks FTW!
  • USA Ultimate announced two new affiliate leagues will be joining the USAU League Affiliate Model: Manhattan Ultimate Disc and Missoula Ultimate Federation. These leagues, along with the 5 previous named affiliates, will receive additional support from USA Ultimate to assist with the expansion of grassroots programs.
  • After a one-year hiatus, Portland, ME Open team Red Tide is proud to announce the return of the White Mountain Open, May 18-19. It will be held at the Quechee Polo Field in Quechee, VT and, unlike previous years, will not be hosted by Dartmouth. Instead it will be hosted by, you guessed it, Red Tide Ultimate.

Come, Luke. Come join me on the…Dark Side! Follow the UNC-Chapel Hill Open team with this highlight reel from the 2013 Queen City Tune Up. The Force is strong with these ones…both backhand and flick.

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