Been meaning to comment on these for a while…
I’m sure everyone has seen Bro Tips by now. I think they’re important because right now, we don’t have too many standards for teaching fundamentals in our game. Also, Brodie is among the best players doing it right now, so it’s interesting to hear how he’s been instructed. I think coaching fundamentals has a lot more to do with how you teach than what you teach, but still, these could really push the envelope by providing coaches with quality content to pass on.
The Ewing Theory was Bill Simmons’ term for his observation that the Knicks played better when Patrick Ewing wasn’t on the floor. Put another way, it’s the idea that even though a player may be the best offensive option on a team, he should not take all of the team’s shots because at some point, he stops being productive. A big reason for this is that the more shots he takes, the more a defense focuses on him, but another is that sharing the ball makes teammates better at executing when that player is not on the floor. It’s interesting to apply this to ultimate. Teams like Florida (Cole Sullivan), Harvard (George Stubbs), and Whitman (Jeremy Norden) put the disc in the hands of one player quite a bit, and I wonder how their team’s overall execution rate relates to their star players’ amount of touches.
Also basketball related and on a similar note, this just talks about how much better the Heat could be if LeBron didn’t have the ball in his hands all the time. Brodie and Doublewide come to mind as a good parallel, but at the same time, Brodie’s throws were a big part of Doublewide’s run to the semis last year.
Any other examples of star ultimate players that might benefit their teams by getting fewer touches?
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