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Windmill 2016: Streaming Schedule

by June 1, 2016, 9:33pm 0

Streaming schedule for Windmill 2016.

Skyd Returns to Windmill This June

by March 4, 2016, 6:00am 0

Skyd returns to Windmill to provide free live streaming of games.

Tuesday Dumps: MeanBrodieSmith, facesofultimate, and WindmillX

by June 24, 2014, 6:14am 0

  There is a new parody Twitter account called MeanBrodieSmith. This can only end in hilarity. Another rookie in the ultimate internet world is facesofultimate, a new blog that posts…

Monday Dumps: New High Release, Windmill Windup Registration, Bad Skid Highlights

by January 6, 2014, 10:30am 0

High Release’s third issue just dropped. Titled “The Business of Ultimate”, it features articles from Michelle Ng, Tim Morrill, Tom Crawford, Nob Rauch, and more. The Rock is a new…

Friday Dumps: UKU Events Coordinator, Belgian Ultimate, Windmill Windup Promo

by December 27, 2013, 10:49am 0

UK Ultimate is hiring a part-time events coordinator. Belgian Ultimate has a new Facebook page that aims to keep followers up to date on ultimate happenings all over the country….

Blip on the Rada: A Windmill Windup Affair

by September 3, 2013, 1:42pm 0

A team composed of RISE UP coaches and US Ultimate superfriends takes on Amsterdam’s Windmill Windup as team Chiniya Rada. Presented by Five Ultimate ( Edited by Elliot Trotter Featuring…

One Day At Windmill Windup

by August 6, 2013, 11:36pm 0

There’s a reason Amsterdam’s Windmill Windup is quickly becoming one of the most revered tournaments on any ultimate players’ list. Skyd cinematographer David Picón captures the spirit of the event perfectly…

Tuesday Dumps: EYUC Scoring, Shriwise Layout, One Day at Windmill

by August 6, 2013, 4:39am 0

There won’t be any official livescoring from the European Youth Ultimate Championships this week, but the Ultiorganizer scoring system will be updated directly after matches end. Check out Pat Shriwise’s ridiculous layout…