Anna is a physical therapist for an outpatient orthopedic clinic in the Atlanta area. Originally from Washington state, she went to Whitman College where she was introduced to frisbee. She then moved to Charleston, South Carolina where she studied physical therapy at MUSC and obtained her certified strength and conditioning specialty. In '06, she moved to Atlanta to play with Ozone, who she still plays for and has written and lead the team workouts since joining. Outside of work and frisbee, she practices yoga and continually studies current concepts in physical therapy, sports medicine, and sports and conditioning.

Don’t Be Distracted By the Water on the Floor

by November 16, 2012, 9:31am 0

The following blog post is contributed by Anna Bucher, Doctorate of Physical Therapy and outpatient clinician. Front of knees hurt; Quads are tight; Cannot get hammies warm; Achilles is angry;…