MLU rookie Quinn Hunziker gets a huge layout D for the Rumble in their opening game against the Whitecaps. The college ultimate postseason is underway with the Conference Championships this…
The Philadelphia Spinners announce a partnership with Pennsbury High School. Why Cisco’s number two exec bought American Ultimate Disc League. r/ultimate discusses the methods and technicalities of playing man-to-man defense….
USA Ultimate releases the final list for U-19 Worlds Teams Issac Saul of the NY Rumble takes a pre-season look at getting to realize his dream. Reddit’s r/ultimate discusses tips…
Revolver has a new website. USA Ultimate announces the teams committed to the Triple Crown Tour events. Get Horizontal interviews Dennis ‘Cribber’ Warsen, director of ‘Flatball’. Texas star Will Driscoll…
USA Ultimate releases the transcript from last week’s talks about GUM (Girl’s Ultimate Movement). The Alleycats’ Alleycast brings in Keenan Plew to talk about the season opener.. r/ultimate discusses what…
The best women's teams in the country face off in Seattle.
USA Ultimate releases the final college season regular season rankings and bid allocations for men and women. Mark Campbell describes ten things that every ultimate captain should know on Ultimate Rob’s…
Ffindr teams up with Ultimate Central. CUT – Sisters and Brothers: A tribute video from teams across the country. Comunidad el oso, one of Colombia’s top teams, prepares for Worlds….
RISE UP Ultimate discusses the thought process and methods to creating a new drill. USAU releases the last set of rankings before final bid allocations on Friday. (Note: any issues or…
Here is an awesome video courtesy of the Bay Area Nightlock presenting their values. According to UltiWhirled, USAU hires the ‘Moneyball’ statistician Bill James to run their Advanced Metrics Bureau….