
The Grind Skyd Magazine

The Grind features words from athletes and minds at the highest level of the game.

It Takes A Village DeAnna Ball

Championship Coach of Ohio State Fever, DeAnna Ball focuses her column on team development from a philosophical and emotive perspective.

Training Blog Skyd Magazine

Training tips, techniques from our expert contributors. Three Thursdays a month

Ultimate Globe Trotter Elliot Trotter

Elliot Trotter is traveling the globe to produce a web series on ultimate. Here’s the latest from abroad. Follow Elliot’s adventure at

Beau Knows Blog Beau Kittredge

Beau Kittredge sets his mind free in his column about nothing.

Strings Spike Friedman

I’m Spike Friedman, I’m a sportswriter for Grantland and The Stranger, and I’m going to do my best to become an ultimate fan this year covering the Seattle Rainmakers.

Contested Strip Megan & Meghan

Ultimate’s only comic!

The Zemelist Matty Zemel

Matty Zemel invites you along on his journey coaching Team India Open in preparation for WUGC 2016.

Transultimate Jenna Weiner

Discussions about transitioning and transgender issues in ultimate.

Scooberlicious Ultimate Lawrence McKendell

Scooberlicious is a FB Live show hosted by Lawrence Mckendell. It’s designed to highlight and celebrate the people and events that make the sport of ultimate so cool! As a player, I’ve discussed and debated with teammates and friends, on many facets of the game, and now I am looking for new people to have thoughtful, and engaging conversations on the various topics of this ever-evolving sport.


Friday Dumps: Fun Points, Creating a League, and Ultimate Fashion

by February 13, 2015, 9:51am 0

  r/ultimate wants to know what your best method for fun is– dino points? Upside Down? Who has the most creative? Check out this interview on Irish ultimate with Ian…

Want to Be More Explosive? Know Your Five Pillars!

by February 13, 2015, 9:22am 0

You need to be solid in five key areas to maximize how explosive you are. Ren's got the list, along with ways to test and exercises for getting better.

Thursday Dumps: Ultimate Nutrition, AUDL Schedule, and Dinosaurs

by February 12, 2015, 11:08am 0

  Inger Janssen of the Dutch National Beach team, and a nutritionist herself, takes a look at what ultimate players should consider when prepping for tournaments. Ultimate, as explained by…

Feed the Trolls

by February 11, 2015, 10:34am 0

All voices are important to the collective discussion, and women are sometimes slow to speak up. Getting involved can help counter unproductive negativity.

Do it Yourself: Media Strategy

by February 11, 2015, 10:28am 0

Mainstream media is paying more attention than it used to, but if a team really wants to be promoted, the ball's in their court. Karen has some ideas on making it happen.

Wednesday Dumps: Athleticism, Lesson Plans, and 2012 US v Japan

by February 11, 2015, 9:00am 0

r/ultimate has an in-depth discussion of how athleticism relates across various sports. Join in here.  Morrill Performance takes a look at training and injuries in a joint-by-joint manner in the…

Tuesday Dumps: Commitment, Portland Stags Logo, and Drills Footage

by February 10, 2015, 9:26am 0

[cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”5″]   Get Horizontal takes a look at commitment, and specifically how it relates to ultimate.  Help the Portland Stags win “Portland’s Best Sports Logo” by voting here. UNC…

What is Your Coaching Purpose?

by February 10, 2015, 4:56am 0

John Sandahl shares coaching strategies, how to find your coaching purpose, and why discovering your purpose can help keep you motivated throughout the entire season.

Monday Dumps: O/D Lines, Ultimate Huck, and Drone Perspective

by February 9, 2015, 5:19pm 0

[cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”5″]   Is ultimate your one true love? Celebrate by entering UltimateRob’s Valentine’s Day contest! R/ultimate takes some time to discuss what coaches look for in O-lines and D-lines. …

Shooters Gotta Shoot: The Hypocrisy of My Life as a Handler

by February 9, 2015, 7:27am 0

Growing up, Robyn always preferred passing to shooting when she played sports. But is there a difference in ultimate, especially when you've got a big arm and your team says "green light"?

Friday Dumps: Dublin’s Golden Cup Lineup, Unlocking Backhands, Radicals Highlights

by February 6, 2015, 8:52am 0

[cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”5″]   Check out the star-studded lineup for the this year’s Dublin’s Golden Cup tournament. Not bad for only the second edition! Beast Plains writes on throwing a “palm…

Thursday Dumps: Ultimate and Depression, Canadian Athletes of the Year, Minnesota Fashion

by February 5, 2015, 3:38pm 0

[cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”5″]   In the wake of the news about Chris Beach-Rehner, we’d like to thank UCLA BLU coach and neuroscientist Alex Korb for sharing with us a 2012 post…