Ever suffered from what r/ultimate is calling post-tournament depression? The ultimate community is trying to help UT recoup the losses they took for Women’s Centex. Full Story Here. How…
After years of questing, Brett Matzuka won a club championship in 2014. Among the feelings he's had in the aftermath? Letdown.
Yesterday, we learned that Wisconsin basketball plays ultimate in the offseason. r/ultimate is now trying to decide who would win in a game: The Badgers, or the Hodags. Here it…
Wisconsin basketball fans, be proud: Ultimate is the key to their success. Or at least, it was in 2011! For the full article, go here. (Thanks, Sludge, for digging that up.)…
Savage is holding a contest to send someone to Costa Rica! Enter here. Looking for a club team, but don’t know where to start? Start with the r/ultimate National Club…
With opportunities for growth on and off the field, Centex sets the right stage for growing college women's teams. Robyn Wiseman shares why it's important through her experiences playing for Wisconsin-Eau Claire SOL and coaching Wisconsin Bella Donna.
John “Goose” Helton is doing a r/ultimate AMA today at 3pm EST. The latest edition of the Ultimate Canada magazine is now available. Fantasy ultimate is coming! (For the…
Well played, Furious George! Fury with a close second for best prank. Ok, this is for real: Melissa Witmer’s 6 week Ultimate Results for Free. [cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”5″] Good…
John Sandahl
March 31, 2015, 12:00pm
Want to coach great throwers? Start by redefining success in terms of learning and controlling the flight of the disc. John Sandahl shares his take on the growth mindset.
r/ultimate wants to know: What’s the coolest disc you’ve ever seen? Well, we made it! We’re on German TV. (Now, if anyone wants to translate….) The time has come: The…
Skyd Magazine
March 30, 2015, 10:50am
Sarah Paddle Swim is still going: WCBU Open Review is up now! R/ultimate is discussing how to motivate younger players to love ultimate the way their coaches do. Our…
Crunches and sit-ups may actually be counterproductive to core stability. Thomas Wendelboe explains how stability is the key to trunk training for athletes.