Skyd Power Rankings: College Open (02/10/2012)

by | February 10, 2012, 7:00am 0

These rankings and the 2012 Skyd College Tour are brought to you by Spin Ultimate

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Talking Points from Bryan Jones:

Hail to the King

Pittsburgh is number one, can they hang on? They have the talent to make it to the final this year after several years of breaking through as one of the premier programs in college Ultimate. That YCC Impulse pipeline doesn’t seem to be drying up anytime soon.

North Central Dominance?

Yes, with Minnesota being ranked in the top 20 all year long and falling to Luther, we have five teams ranked from the North Central. Carleton and Wisconsin still look to have the firepower necessary, with Minnesota and Luther closing. Iowa has lost a lot of talent, but are still looking to have enough fuel in the tank to make Nationals.

What to do with the South East? 

Central Florida is ranked high, and deservedly so with their victories over Wisconsin and Carleton. Georgia is in the middle of the rankings, but expect this region to be in flux for the rest of the year. Florida rounds out our top 20 rankings after having a tough tournament and Georgia Tech was one of our teams snubbed.

Squads returning large rosters after making it to nationals, Tufts and Whitman

Both Tufts and Whitman are returning large amounts of their roster this year and thus are ranked high. We’ll get to see in the coming weeks whether these guys are for real top 10 teams, or if we’re just imagining things. None the less, we obviously think these guys are legitimate.

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