Labor Day Coverage and Preview

by | September 2, 2011, 10:38am 0

For those interested, I will once again stream live audio and possibly video play by play coverage of Labor day. There were issues with cell phone batteries at ECC, but my latest Amazon purchase will prevent that. I should be on the air during all rounds throughout the weekend. I hope to grab some live interviews from players and coaches, so send you suggestions to my twitter account! Link for the stream to come later.

We already have a nice preview up for Labor Day, so I’ll just put a few of my own thoughts down before the weekend begins.


Will Revolver stay on top? Will Doublewide overtake?

The first thing out of Russell Wynn’s mouth after the ECC victory was that “We had a lot to work on”. In watching the Ultimate Projects by Mike Lawler, that there are offensive improvements to be made. Despite looking the best on offense out of any team at ECC, Revolver had miscues that could leave them vulnerable to another talented squad. Doublewide has been riding the offensive talents of Kurt Gibson and Brodie Smith in isolation behind the disc or downfield. The obvious prediction is that these two meet in the finals, and I can’t wait to see that match up.


Chain Reloaded? Sockeye to bounce back?

Chain has traded some youth for experience this year, and is hoping to get back into the mix. A one day tournament in Charlotte showed that they are still beating the lower tiered teams, but we have to see them against top competition. Sockeye was certainly surprised with a quarters loss to Ring of Fire at ECC, where Nate Castine mentioned afterwards that “We just didn’t seem to have it”. Sockeye is one of the top tier, and for good reason. While teams were not hitting their stride consistently at ECC, the talent level was evident. Seattle has some of the top playmakers in the game, with a few new additions that could make a big difference. Once we see that chemistry, Sockeye is going to be in the mix of those top 4 teams.

The best of the Rest?

Bravo is looking to break out as a championship contender, Southpaw and Pony are trying to break into the top tier,  and Cash Crop is looking to establish itself even more in the Mid Atlantic region after their victory over Ring in Charlotte. Rhino may be underseeded and Voodoo is looking for that first win over a nationals team. I loved seeing the international teams at ECC, the different accents, celebrations, and play styles, so Great Britain should be entertaining to watch as well.


Again, streaming play by play all weekend! Send me tweets for suggestions or questions!




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