Monday Dumps: Swiss Championships, US Open, Skater Squats

by | July 8, 2013, 2:06am 0

  • Switzerland has been one of Europe’s top ultimate contenders for years. Check out these spectacular highlights from the 2013 Open final between Freedspeed Basel and Flying Angels Bern, which ended on universe point.
  • Beau Kittredge leaps to win the US Open for Revolver on universe point over Ironside. Meanwhile, in the Women’s division, Fury’s Maggie Ruden shows how to get horizontal.
  • Portugal’s longest-running tournament, the Bar do Peixe hat, has slowly been gaining international attention over the years. Find out why with this whimsical piece from Get Horizontal.
  • Want to reduce your risk of ACL injuries? Tim Morrill wants you to do skater squats. Tim also took some Zen time at the US Open to spit some great advice for those looking for individual improvement. The secret? Hang around people that are better than you and learn from them.

We can’t end Dumps without a sweet MLU highlight. DC Current’s Rob Dulabon skies the pack:

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