Skyd Fund 2014 – Celebrate 3 Years of Skyd!

by | November 4, 2013, 8:33am 0

The 2014 Campaign – Celebrating 3 Years!

Campaign link

That’s right! Skyd is running a campaign to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. To celebrate that unparalleled achievement in ultimate, we’ve partnered with a ton of awesome ultimate companies to provide you with some exclusive coaching packages, one of a kind gear and discounts as Skyd readies for another year of awesome programming.

Since 2010, Skyd has acted as a voice for the community, communicating new ideas, announcing exciting new ventures and providing a platform for new contributors.

Skyd pioneered consistent and reliable tournament and season coverage and has changed the way we present ultimate media. Since its inception, Skyd’s mission has been to grow the sport by enlightening and inspiring through informative and reliable media coverage. In doing so, we’ve brought our community closer together and strengthened its future.

We’re running this 2014 Campaign to celebrate 3 years by providing our community with some awesome reward opportunities to help jump start our 2014 Programming.

The Impact

We listened to the feedback you provided through our reader survey and we’re pleased to report that in 2014, we’re evolving our format to provide a more editorialized, more in-depth and story-focused view into the ultimate world. Over the years, we’ve evolved from pure tournament coverage to a broader range of articles that focus on analysis, strategy, culture, and the bigger questions surrounding the sport. The long form articles that have resulted from this change in mentality have consistently been our most popular and most rewarding. In 2014, Skyd intends to take this trend to the next level. True to the “Magazine” label at the end of our name, articles will be longer, higher quality, and will cover varied, interesting topics that break from the formula of “Team A beats Team B”. In addition, we will step into more sophisticated territory with consistent written columns by experts and in-depth video features.

To do that, we’re moving Skyd onto a new web platform that will be easier to navigate, and will present our content and the sport even better.

Your contributions ensure a future for Skyd and our mission of growing and uniting the sport of ultimate — PLUS you get some sick rewards from our awesome campaign partners.

Where Does The Money Go?

  • Skyd is raising $12,000 to cover the costs of a new website and administration costs for our 2014 programming.
  • If Skyd doesn’t reach its goal of $12,000, we don’t get any of the funding. That means, no one gets any sweet rewards, there would be no new website for Skyd and no 2014 programming.

Skyd has been serving the ultimate community for 3 years through the untiring and unpaid efforts of scores of dedicated contributors. Your support makes taking Skyd to the next level possible.


As part of our 2014 campaign we wanted to make it totally worth your while. We scoured the globe for some of the sweetest rewards we could find, and with your contributions you’ll be able to reap all of the benefits. Our awesome rewards include sweet discounts to some of your favorite Ultimate apparel companies, a lifetime RISE UP season pass, some awesome UltiCards decks, a sweet pair of special edition Skyd Friction Gloves, a copy of Chasing Sarasota, a limited edition Skyd jersey from SAVAGE Ultimate, a limited edition hat from VC Ultimate, limited edition Skyd shorts from Spin Ultimate, the opportunity to send either Ben Wiggins, Lou Burruss, Mario O’Brien or Brodie Smith to run a 2-day coaching clinic for your team, a weekend training session from Tim Morrill, a Five Ultimate HQ party and even a trip to the 2014 Windmill Windup in Amsterdam with Skyd and more. But if we don’t reach our celebration goal, no one gets anything.


At the end of the day, myself and everyone who has made Skyd possible these last three years love this sport and love being a part of its community and progress. We want to keep pushing this sport forward by going where ultimate media hasn’t gone before and by positively supporting the voices of our community.

Over the next several weeks as we count down, Skyd will be recapping some of our favorite articles, videos and media from our three years with the sport. We hope you’ll join us as always on Skyd.

Thank you for your support.

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