Sandblast Saturday

by | July 9, 2011, 9:29pm 0

First, some answers from Thursday’s preview.

1)   Team “Threat Level Magna” is actually a typo as the team is supposed to be Threat Level Magenta. In the high-stakes action on the beach today the defending champions TLM were upset by Scottie’s Revenge, a team entirely outfitted in Scottie Pippen #33 Chicago Bulls pinnies. Led by some monster with huge ups named Tyler, the Scotties rolled as TLM faltered badly.

2)   Team USA – will they lose in the semis like that Potlatch year or win the whole thing like several other iterations? Right now their number one seed looks spot-on as they rolled. Their speed is just too much for most teams and when you realize it’s Team USA Open + Team USA Women’s then you kind of get how good they are with very little fall-off top to bottom.

3)   Team USA 2 found themselves in the aforementioned pool with TLM and the Scottie Pippens and finished 4-0 fairly easily, ending the day with a thrashing of the TLM defending champions who never looked comfortable. “On second thought we shouldn’t have gone with a roster of 21,” reflected captain Matt Davidman afterwards. The USA2 win also ended a personal challenge as I defeated Skyd founder Elliot Trotter and he owes me a six-pack.

4)   Number of teams representing the Midwest with an over/under of 48. This is a tricky one. Of the 20 teams I polled, only four weren’t local. You do the math.

In other news, in the Spirit division the Teenage Mutant Ninja BUFF squad, alumni and undergraduates from Bradley University playing in the D5 position and dressed entirely in Donatellos, Leonardos, Michelangelos and Raphaels, won 13-12 on double game point in the last game of the day.

Euro-themed Red Stripe sporting swank banana hammocks underneath their Euro-styled velour warm-ups, finished 3-1 with a win over the 2nd place team to advance. I think this is actually the same group of guys from the original Speedo team I remember from 2005.

Notre Dame alumni Beachface fell to North Park (Chicago-based, likely alumni) in a reversal of College Regionals past. Beachface may have a chance to advance to quarters based on point differential.

Party tonight is at a rather large bar eatery called Mad River on North Sheffield. Much drinking to be had by all.


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