After developing a love for Ultimate at 2009 College Nationals, Bryan needed something to fill his time after his last sectionals for Buffalo in 2010. Observing, coaching, and covering has become his passion as he continues to travel around the country to cover any and all ultimate. Look for audio play by play, recaps of the drama, and previews of what's to come. Yes, he does have a No Look Scoober, which made zone defenses obsolete.

Player Profile: Brian Pierce

by May 13, 2011, 1:14pm 0

Brian “Papi” Pierce is one of the primary offensive line cutters for Illinois. After facing some early career struggles, Pierce has made an impact on the A team from his…

Player Profile: Austin Lien

by May 13, 2011, 1:13pm 0

Austin Lien is a current Captain of Illinois Ultimate, as well as being the senior leader. After hard work, Lien barely made a squad that advanced to the quarter finals…

Player Profile: Chris Hidaka

by May 13, 2011, 1:13pm 0

Chris Hidaka is another offensive staple for Illinois, and transitioned from reading a baseball as an outfield to reading discs. #27 attributes to much of his success and motivation to…

Player Profile: Ryan Smith

by May 13, 2011, 1:13pm 0

Ryan “Kennedy” Smith has been touted as the most exciting player to watch on Illinois. With a cannon of a forehand, Smith usually leads the defensive line in assists while…

Video Footage from New England Regionals-Scoober Alert

by May 13, 2011, 12:01pm 0

Saw this on Reddit, and it has a sweet scoober at the 3 minute mark, so of course I have to post it.

Illinois: A Short History

by May 13, 2011, 10:21am 0

Illinois has done the work for me this time, providing a history going back to 1994. Check out their site at Illinois Ultimate and their history section. I have mentioned…

Illinois: The Road to Boulder

by May 13, 2011, 10:21am 0

Despite a new emphasis on regular season results, Illinois is one of the few teams attending nationals that got there without a safety net. Win your region, and things take…

20 Days of Nationals: Day 3 – Illinois

by May 13, 2011, 10:20am 0

University of Illinois is located in Champaign, Illinois and has 71,000 students at 3 campuses. They were able to come away victorious at the Great Lake Regional defeating Michigan in…

20 Days of Nationals: Day 2 – Luther

by May 12, 2011, 10:12am 0

The team of the day is Luther, LUFDA (Luther Ultimate Flying Disc Association), out in Decorah, Iowa who took the 4th bid from the North Central region. It’s a small…

Luther: Then and Now, The Road to Boulder

by May 12, 2011, 10:09am 0

Written by Zack Smith It’s Sunday, April 26th 2009 and Luther LUFDA laces up for Day 2 of Central Regionals. Having lost in the Semi-Finals to the defending champs, the…