
The Grind Skyd Magazine

The Grind features words from athletes and minds at the highest level of the game.

It Takes A Village DeAnna Ball

Championship Coach of Ohio State Fever, DeAnna Ball focuses her column on team development from a philosophical and emotive perspective.

Training Blog Skyd Magazine

Training tips, techniques from our expert contributors. Three Thursdays a month

Ultimate Globe Trotter Elliot Trotter

Elliot Trotter is traveling the globe to produce a web series on ultimate. Here’s the latest from abroad. Follow Elliot’s adventure at

Beau Knows Blog Beau Kittredge

Beau Kittredge sets his mind free in his column about nothing.

Strings Spike Friedman

I’m Spike Friedman, I’m a sportswriter for Grantland and The Stranger, and I’m going to do my best to become an ultimate fan this year covering the Seattle Rainmakers.

Contested Strip Megan & Meghan

Ultimate’s only comic!

The Zemelist Matty Zemel

Matty Zemel invites you along on his journey coaching Team India Open in preparation for WUGC 2016.

Transultimate Jenna Weiner

Discussions about transitioning and transgender issues in ultimate.

Scooberlicious Ultimate Lawrence McKendell

Scooberlicious is a FB Live show hosted by Lawrence Mckendell. It’s designed to highlight and celebrate the people and events that make the sport of ultimate so cool! As a player, I’ve discussed and debated with teammates and friends, on many facets of the game, and now I am looking for new people to have thoughtful, and engaging conversations on the various topics of this ever-evolving sport.


Are You Training Like an Athlete?

by September 18, 2014, 6:30am 0

There's a big difference between exercising to stay in shape and training for athletic performance.

Wednesday Dumps: Train Like an Athlete Webinar, Angela Zhu Interview, AUDL Championship Top 10 Plays

by September 17, 2014, 8:48am 0

Melissa Witmer of Ultimate Results is holding a “Train Like an Athlete” webinar today at 2 PM Eastern. Ultiworld interviews young star Angela Zhu of the U19 National Team, Dartmouth…

It Goes Beyond Football

by September 17, 2014, 4:18am 2611

Lou steps back to look at domestic violence in the NFL... and beyond. What if Ray Rice played ultimate?

Tuesday Dumps: Muddy German Championships, Irish Open Final, Walden Nelson Layout D

by September 16, 2014, 8:59am 0

Get Horizontal recaps the muddiest German nationals on record in Jena, Germany, as many games had to be shortened or cancelled entirely. Twin Cities Pop summarize their summer on the…

Friday Dumps: Field Deposits, Savage’s Pear Up, and #AIUC2014

by September 12, 2014, 10:16am 0

Some twitter users are up in arms after Sludge Ultimate posted regarding field deposits. What’s your take? Hey new teams (or teams in general, we’re not picky) want to earn…

Thursday Dumps: Think Tank, Helicopters, and 2012 Throwback Footage

by September 11, 2014, 12:17pm 0

Skyd’s own senior editor Jonathan Neeley has a new project with RISE UP- a think tank blog featuring prominent members of the ultimate community. Did you know that Lecco used…

Wednesday Dumps: U23 Worlds Applications, High Tide is Moving, and Riot ECC Highlights

by September 10, 2014, 9:30am 0

Think you’ve got what it takes? U23 Worlds Squad applications are now open. Best of luck! For you college kids who plan way to far in advance, check it out:…

Wrapping the Regular Season

by September 10, 2014, 5:25am 0

Lou talks bid allocation and ECC results.

Tuesday Dumps: WCBU Teams, Winning the Flip, and 2013 Club Highlights

by September 9, 2014, 9:30am 0

The USAU released the 2015 WCBU US Teams, and damn do they look good.  Which is better after you win the flip: pulling or receiving? r/ultimate wants to know.  …

Monday Dumps: Sectionals Results, Pivot Rules and an Awesome Roster

by September 8, 2014, 10:15am 0

Most sectional results are up in an easy to read and discuss format here, thanks to r/ultimate. R/ultimate discusses pivot foot rules over the weekend.  Well played, Nemesis, well played. Go…

Friday Dumps: Rankings Discussion, Why Do You Love Ultimate, and Triforce Highlights

by September 5, 2014, 9:30am 0

This is a very in-depth, serious discussion about the USAU Rankings system. Well done, r/ultimate. Why do YOU love ultimate?  The UK Ultimate coaching calendar is up, if you’d like…

Thursday Dumps: Final Rankings, Creswick to London, and Concussions

by September 4, 2014, 9:30am 0

The final rankings are out from USAU for the club season. Dun dun dun. These folks are biking from Creswick to London to raise money for Ultimate Peace. Check out…