
The Grind Skyd Magazine

The Grind features words from athletes and minds at the highest level of the game.

It Takes A Village DeAnna Ball

Championship Coach of Ohio State Fever, DeAnna Ball focuses her column on team development from a philosophical and emotive perspective.

Training Blog Skyd Magazine

Training tips, techniques from our expert contributors. Three Thursdays a month

Ultimate Globe Trotter Elliot Trotter

Elliot Trotter is traveling the globe to produce a web series on ultimate. Here’s the latest from abroad. Follow Elliot’s adventure at

Beau Knows Blog Beau Kittredge

Beau Kittredge sets his mind free in his column about nothing.

Strings Spike Friedman

I’m Spike Friedman, I’m a sportswriter for Grantland and The Stranger, and I’m going to do my best to become an ultimate fan this year covering the Seattle Rainmakers.

Contested Strip Megan & Meghan

Ultimate’s only comic!

The Zemelist Matty Zemel

Matty Zemel invites you along on his journey coaching Team India Open in preparation for WUGC 2016.

Transultimate Jenna Weiner

Discussions about transitioning and transgender issues in ultimate.

Scooberlicious Ultimate Lawrence McKendell

Scooberlicious is a FB Live show hosted by Lawrence Mckendell. It’s designed to highlight and celebrate the people and events that make the sport of ultimate so cool! As a player, I’ve discussed and debated with teammates and friends, on many facets of the game, and now I am looking for new people to have thoughtful, and engaging conversations on the various topics of this ever-evolving sport.


Monday Dumps: HS Regional Invites, Difficult Teammates, KP Interview

by March 31, 2014, 6:50am 0

USA Ultimate announces the 2014 High School Regional Invitations. Bama Secs looks into handling difficult teammates, with thoughts from coaches across a variety of levels. Here are some sweet Korean…

Ultimate Power # 2: Crush Cleans

by March 28, 2014, 9:30am 0

Tim covers the what, how, and why of cleans-- an essential lift for serious players-- in his second installment of Ultimate Power. So fresh and so clean, clean!

Friday Dumps: USAU College Rankings, Split Stack, MLU Live Streaming

by March 28, 2014, 8:11am 0

USA Ultimate releases updated college men’s and women’s rankings. R/ultimate discusses a split stack offense. Major League Ultimate announces that it will live stream 24 games on YouTube. Check out…

Thursday Dumps: Observer AMA, and Tally Classic Highlights

by March 27, 2014, 6:28am 0

The Village Voice releases an article on pro-ultimate entering the New York scene. R/ultimate hosts an AMA (ask me anything) with a certified observer with years of experience. Bamasecs Jersey…

Old Guys Arguing: Northwest Challenge

by March 26, 2014, 12:35pm 0

Lou and Skyd Women's Editor Ryan Thompson have a back and forth discussion about Northwest Challenge, the Callahan, and NCAA recognition.

Tuesday’s Gone

by March 26, 2014, 12:26pm 0

Elliot arrives in Auckland to join reigning champion Magon and finds himself in another space-time.

Wednesday Dumps: Tim Morrill in the Philippines, Irish Beach Ultimate, Polish Ultimate Highlights

by March 26, 2014, 8:37am 0

Tim Morrill is doing cool things in the Philippines. Coach Nicky Smith releases the final part of her documentary about the Mexican Women’s WUGC 2012 team and how they were…

Tuesday Dumps: WFDF Rules, SOTG, Swiss ultimate

by March 25, 2014, 7:13am 0

WFDF updates its rules accreditation requirements for 2014 WFDF events. R/ultimate discusses Spirit of the Game changes in USAU games vs. Pro Games. Get Horizontal interviews Aurelie Mindel, of Switzerland…

There and Back Again: An Open Letter to Sam Biddle

by March 25, 2014, 4:00am 0

A prominent blogger spent an article poking fun at ultimate, and Beau ain't happy about it. He's got some thoughts to sway said blogger, along with some challenges... if he's up for them.

Monday Dumps: GUM, Michigan Circus Play, Webinar on Injuries and Agility

by March 24, 2014, 8:41am 0

USA Ultimate announces the birth of the Girls Ultimate Movement (GUM) Task Force. Katfish Corner discusses advanced handler cutting. Michigan chooses an interesting way to score at Easterns this weekend….

Fear of Failure

by March 24, 2014, 6:42am 0

What are you afraid of? And more importantly, why?

Friday Dumps: 2014 Club Tryouts Listing, College Rankings, Rhino vs. Doublewide

by March 21, 2014, 7:28am 0

Ultimate Central creates a nice club tryouts listing for 2014 that includes a map and some neat search options. Goose kills the 100 rep snatch challenge. USA Ultimate releases updated…