The Grind features words from athletes and minds at the highest level of the game.
Championship Coach of Ohio State Fever, DeAnna Ball focuses her column on team development from a philosophical and emotive perspective.
Training tips, techniques from our expert contributors. Three Thursdays a month
Elliot Trotter is traveling the globe to produce a web series on ultimate. Here’s the latest from abroad. Follow Elliot’s adventure at ultimateglobetrotter.tv
Beau Kittredge sets his mind free in his column about nothing.
I’m Spike Friedman, I’m a sportswriter for Grantland and The Stranger, and I’m going to do my best to become an ultimate fan this year covering the Seattle Rainmakers.
Ultimate’s only comic!
Matty Zemel invites you along on his journey coaching Team India Open in preparation for WUGC 2016.
Discussions about transitioning and transgender issues in ultimate.
Scooberlicious is a FB Live show hosted by Lawrence Mckendell. It’s designed to highlight and celebrate the people and events that make the sport of ultimate so cool! As a player, I’ve discussed and debated with teammates and friends, on many facets of the game, and now I am looking for new people to have thoughtful, and engaging conversations on the various topics of this ever-evolving sport.
Ultiarchive is a new site by Ultiapps that matches game data and results with full game videos. There aren’t many videos added now, but it’s worth it for the score…
For all those fans out there that like to hear Kyle Weisbrod talk, your man was on USA Ultimate’s “The Ultimate Nation” show on Wednesday. The EUCF (European Ultimate Championship…
Facts we learned today: Drag’N Thrust elects its captains with the Kemeny–Young method. Might be a good idea to implement for all you captain-electing teams out there. Atlanta Ozone is…
The Whitecaps have hired on long-time Boston ultimate standby Sam Rosenthal as their new head coach. The New York Rumble have a new head coach, as well, in Anthony Nuñez….
Pulled Disc examines the elements that make up a good fake. Ultimate Interviews speaks to AUDL ideas man and Madison Radicals co-owner Tim DeByl. The Golden Keg in Dublin looks…
Trying to get in shape for tryouts? Use this workout from Dangerzone Performance, written for players attending the second Toronto Rush combine. Have USA Club Championships fourth place finishers Johnny…