Announcing the “Get Skyd” Photo Contest

by | February 21, 2011, 7:00am 0

Free Hat! Free Hat! Free Hat Mccullough!

Good news everyone!  Skyd Magazine has teamed up with SAVAGEultimate to bring you the first ever “Get Skyd” Photo Contest. The contest is simple: send us your awesomely badass or creative photos of you or your team skying anyone or anything and you’ll have the opportunity to win some sick team gear from SAVAGE – specifically 24 FREE team hats. Free hat!

Here’s how you win:

Step 1 – Email with a photo of you skying (aka pwning) a foo, a national landmark, a public figure, or maybe your neighbor’s dog.  Bonus points for creativity. Check out some sweet examples below from staff writer Adam Lerman’s recent trip to Egypt. Don’t forget to include your name and contact info. The deadline for submissions is March 16th, 2011, so take some awesome photos on Spring Break!!!

Step 2 – After the submission deadline (a little over three weeks from today), we’ll post all of the submissions to an album on our Facebook page.

Adam skys the Great Pyramid

Step 3 – Get all of your teammates/myspace friends/families/droids to “Like” your photo. The photo with the most “Like’s”, at the end of the contest, will be featured here on Skyd Magazine and wins the grand prize.

The deadline for submissions is 03/16/2011. After that we’ll give you ONE week to drum up enthusiasm on the internetz.  When that one week has expired a winner will be crowned on Skyd.

So head out on your spring break and make us proud with an awesome sky. Good luck to all of you amateur photographers. Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!


Step 1 – Collect Photos

Step 2 – ?

Step 3 – Profit

Adam shows the disc to the Sphynx

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