Expert Panel Responds: Video Q&A

by | September 27, 2012, 10:16am 0

Last week, Skyd introduced our panel of training professionals (Alan and Phil Janzen and Melissa Witmer) for our training topic of the month. If you have follow up questions, please ask them in the comments. We have encouraged our panelists to respond there.

Part 1: Quickness for Cutting and Training the Stabilizers

See answers to the following questions including exercise demos for Pat’s question in the video above.

Dan asks: “What’s the best way to develop quickness in your first two steps? I did mostly weights and distance running last winter and while it helped my flat-out sprint speed and cardio, my agility is crap.”

Dave says: “I am having some issues with my cutting as a handler. I would say my handler cutting isn’t as explosive as I would like. Besides running and other forms of cardio, what else could I do to make my mark really lose it after a few steps. Also for cutting, what can I do to get a really solid cut? Like when I’m making my dump cut and I fake an upline, what can I do to make that cut for the dump quicker?“

Pat wants to know: “Which muscles or muscle groups do you think are most overlooked when training for ultimate? I hear a lot about smaller stabilizing muscles playing a big role in sports performance. If you could speak to that and any exercises that might be helpful that would be great thanks.”

Part 2: Planning for the Year. How to get explosiveness AND Endurance.

Questions Answered:

Dontwannagetcut asks: “Generally speaking if you had to plan a year of training, October to October, what would it look like?”

Spencer wants to know: “Playing in a tournament places some difficult endurance constraints on us. What is a good practical way to train for explosiveness while still having the ability to last a weekend? What I am really after is creative ideas to efficiently program the strength/power and the conditioning portions of one’s training.”

Part 3: Ice Baths. Shoulder Mobility for Forehands.

Questions Answered:

Mike Moren asks: “Ice baths? Useful? If so when? What to do on Saturday after noon, after a long day to be ready for Sunday.

What shoulder mobility exercises would you recommend for forehands?”

Comments Policy: At Skyd, we value all legitimate contributions to the discussion of ultimate. However, please ensure your input is respectful. Hateful, slanderous, or disrespectful comments will be deleted. For grammatical, factual, and typographic errors, instead of leaving a comment, please e-mail our editors directly at editors [at]