- Ultimate Results is looking for teams to participate in a trial run of a spring conditioning program. If you’re interested in helping to develop a training program specifically designed for Ultimate, this is your opportunity. Sounds like it’ll be a good workout as well.
- USA Ultimate membership is on the rise in the youth sector. With an overall 11% rise, youth membership is larger than adult membership for the first time with college membership still being the powerhouse. If only members would vote in board elections now.
- European Ultimate Championships has their final stats up for this year’s event. Congrats to Switzerland’s Flying Angels Burn (Open) and Czech Republic’s Hot Beaches (Women’s – and an awesome team name) for on their victories.
- Some stellar 2010 Sean Ryan Memorial photos from Side Line Photography’s Alexander Yuen.
- Another sweet foreign Ultimate promo. This one comes from TEP Medellin Ultimate’s 2009 event in Colombia. Seattle’s Sockeye and Riot and Vancouver’s Furious George and Traffic were invited down to participate in this awesome showcase and clinic tournament. More photos of TEP Medellin 2009 from Scobel Wiggins.
Do you have an link, photo, or video to share with the Ultimate community? Email dumps@skydmagazine.com with your info.
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