2011 Preview – University of Washington Element

by | January 25, 2011, 4:00pm 0

[stextbox id=”alert” color=”050505″ bcolor=”6cc3f8″ bgcolor=”ffffff” big=”true” image=”null”]School Name: University of Washington
Team Name:
Lindsey Wilson, Kirstin Gruver, Erica Petru
Jersey Colors:
White, Purple, Gold
2010 Record: 28-9
Website: http://students.washington.edu/wwuf/bigup/

Score Reporter

Tell us a little about yourself.  How did you get involved with Ultimate at UW?

Kirstin Gruver: I first started playing for UW my sophomore year of college. I played casual pick up back home my freshman year and decided I wanted to try and play at school.

What is Ultimate at UW all about?

Kirstin: UW Ultimate is all about getting as many people involved with the game as possible, while doing our best to perform at a competitive level. The program is about sharing the spirit of the game and introducing people to one of the best sports out there.

How did your team do last year?  What was the highlight of your season?

Kirstin: Last year our team did fairly well. We made it to Nationals in Wisconsin and while we hoped to compete in the finals, things just didn’t work out. The highlights of our season were the games where we brought out A-game. Those games where all of our spirit and all of our talent were present on and off the field and we were playing how we knew we could play and enjoying it.

Who is your favorite team to play against?

Kirstin: I would have to say my favorite team to play against is Cal. Our last game at Regionals we played Cal for the 2nd/3rd spot. We were both going to Nationals but nonetheless we both showed up ready to play. It was one of those games where it was raining, cold and slightly windy, yet everyone was making great bids and playing their hearts out.

Tell us about your captains.  What do they bring to your team?

Kirstin: Our captains are there to try and keep the team cohesive, to make sure the players are having fun and that the team dynamic stays positive.

What does your team like to do on offense and on defense?

Kirstin: We are a hard working team. A main focus in terms of strategy is having a strong handler set and then busting to get the D if there’s a turn.

Has your team set any goals for this season?

Kirstin: Our goal this year is to have a fun and successful year. We really want to be the best that we can be while always maintaining the spirit of the game.

What has your team been doing this fall to prepare for the spring season?

Kirstin: We use the fall as our time to recruit new players of all experience. It’s the time when we focus on trying new plays, new throws, anything that we want to try and improve on by the end of the season.

What tournaments do you plan to attend in the spring?

Kirstin: Come spring we want plan and hope to participate in the series. As of right now I’d say we’re most excited for Nationals in Boulder, CO.

What does your team do to get pumped up for a big game?

Kirstin: Music. We love music and we use it to start dance parties before warm ups to get us amped up. It reminds us to have fun, that we’re playing with not only our teammates but our friends.

What song would you pick for the soundtrack to your team’s 2011 highlight video?

Kirstin: That’s a tough one. But I think it’d have to be “Break Your Heart” by Taio Cruiz.

Who’s going to win the 2011 USA Ultimate College Championships?

Kirstin: I couldn’t tell you, but I know we want to!

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