2011 Preview – Willamette University Asylum

by | January 21, 2011, 12:00pm 0

[stextbox id=”alert” color=”050505″ bcolor=”6cc3f8″ bgcolor=”ffffff” big=”true” image=”null”]School Name: Willamette University
Team Name:
Kevin Lynn, Andrew Craig
Graham Seaton, Eric Bilderbeck
Score Reporter[/stextbox]

How did you get involved with Ultimate at Willamette?

Kevin Lynn: I was interested in Ultimate as soon as I got to Willamette, even though I had never played before. I was hooked when the current captain described some of the team’s traditions and I’ve never looked back since.

What is Ultimate at Willamette all about?

KL: Ultimate at Willamette is simply about having fun playing hard and playing hard at having fun.

How did your team do last year?

KL: We took 9th place at the PLU BBQ and did well at Grover Madness and Sundodger, but had a tough time at Sectionals with only 10 guys. The highlight of our season was definitely winning the photo contest at Trouble in Vegas, which got us a free bid and team shorts. Keep your eyes peeled for the powder blue shorts!

Blue blue blue blue PINK blue blue blue blue blue (Photo by Susa Lynne)

What player is most likely to make a huge play as a thrower? As a receiver? On D?

KL: Andrew Craig and Remy Belval are our top throwers, with Pete Ferrell and Kevin Lynn as their big receivers. Sean Hough is one of our best defenders and is always ready to make a huge layout to get the D.

It’s easy to see when someone throws a huge huck on gets a layout D. Who’s a player you have to watch more carefully to see how valuable he is to your team?

KL: James Cebron is one of our most versatile players, with solid handling and a complete commitment to defense.

Has your team set any goals for this season? What are they?

KL: Our goal is to be one of the top teams in our section, to never give up in a game and to be the team that always has fun before, during and after games.

What has your team been doing this fall to prepare for the spring season?

KL: We practice twice a week, with extra workouts and scrimmages in preparation for OMG and Sundodger.

What tournaments do you plan to attend in the spring? Which are you
most looking forward to?

KL: We will be going to Grover Madness, the PLU BBQ, Onion Fest, Trouble in Vegas and Sectionals. We’re looking to repeat our past successes at both PLU and TiV.

We have a lot of depth this year, with an experienced senior core backed up by a solid group of juniors. We’ve also got an incredible sophmore crew, with Dan Robinson, Leif Hansen, Ian Lindgren and Mike Kimmel coming into form and we’re excited about our freshman standouts Colin Jones and James Volz.

Logos Courtesy Asylum Ultimate, Action shots by Susa Lynne.

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