Queen City Tune Up Results

by | February 16, 2011, 7:48pm 0

Because of the format and the diversity of regions represented, tournament finish is not the most important aspect of this year’s Queen City Tune Up (QCTU). I’m not trying to say that the format did not find the rightful victor because it accomplished that goal. I am saying that the important aspect of this year’s tournament is each team’s individual record, and more so, each region’s record.


The Great Lakes – Teams from the Great Lakes did just about all they could to win a strength bid for their region. The region sent two strong teams in Michigan and Michigan State, and they come away with only one loss. Also, both teams have now established themselves as Nationals level programs for 2011. Michigan seems to be on track to return to the Quarterfinals, and Michigan State is doing it’s part to earn a much needed second bid for the region.

The Ohio Valley – Yet another region in need of a strength bid. With Pitt at the top of the pack, both Ohio and Ohio State need to perform well during the regular season if they’re going to make it to Nationals. Thus far both Ohio and OSU are holding up their end of the bargain, combined their  only out of region losses are to Florida, Florida State and Michigan* which should not hurt their chances for a strength bid.

*Ohio’s loss to Florida State at T-Town Throwdown seems dubious. I’m not sure the context of the game.


The Southeast and Atlantic Coast – Each of the most represented regions at the tournament did not fare well. Both Georgia Tech and North Carolina underperformed, and the rest of the teams (aside from Georgia, see next segment) didn’t help the cause much. I know Georgia Tech was struggling with injury, but their loss to Delaware is not good for the Southeast, especially after their tournament victory at the ACCUC.

Georgia, Michigan – Both of these top level teams should have been spending their weekend in Florida for Warm-Up instead of at QCTU. Neither team had a very tough time until the elimination rounds, and both teams can’t afford to expect soft games when in matters in the spring. The same could be said of Ohio and OSU, but I think it’s more important for the teams from Ohio to earn strength bids for their region.

QCTU’s affect on the Inside Breaks College Rankings:

I think we’ve learned that Michigan is a tier two team, and that OSU definitely deserves to be in the rankings. Also, Georgia, MSU, and Ohio are all on the cusp. Look for a new complete set of rankings the week after the Presidents Day Classic.

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