Did You Know? Florida’s Grad Students…

by | March 14, 2011, 3:18pm 0

For most players, college ultimate means playing as an undergraduate. Many of us that played in college associate learning a vert stack with living in dorms, glimpses of greek life, and the inevitable senior year job search.

But for many members of the University of Florida’s Gators, academic life is a bit more focused.

“Something a lot of people don’t know about us is that we’re very grad student heavy,” says captain Alton Gaines. “A lot of our guys really have to juggle a heavy school load with the demands of our practices.

Cole Sullivan (right center) throws to Nathan Sage

In addition to Gaines, who is earning a Master in Management at the Hugh Graduate School of Business, the Gator roster includes four others that are studying beyond their undergraduate years. Co-captain Cole Sullivan is a first year law student, Miguel Palaviccini is working toward a PhD in Aeronautical Engineering, Nathan Sage is in accounting school, and Greg Feldman is on track to become a dentist.

For a team whose roster only goes about 12 players deep, five players is a huge fraction. Gaines says that the team has to be flexible with its practice demands, making accommodations on a case by case basis.

“Miguel had to miss Warm Up because of school, and he’s about to defend his dissertation, so it’s tough for him to get to practice and he’s not even sure if he can make it to Easterns,” Gaines says. “Also, since our law school doesn’t have tests during the semester, finals are really important, so Cole is probably going to miss a lot of practice in late April and May.”

Sullivan notes that his time in law school has given him more perspective on the field. “I have noticed myself being more open to debate and hearing what the people I’m playing against have to say rather than tuning it out. It’s always interesting to hear different opinions on the same set of facts.”

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