More on Easterns; USA Ultimate content

by | March 17, 2011, 6:15pm 0

For anyone still checking Inside Breaks, sorry for abandoning you this week. Been tied up over at

For more on that, check out the preview that I wrote for USA Ultimate.

Also, I’ll be tweeting from Easterns, so peep @87til

On the Easterns note, I said this on the podcast, but I’ll say it again: with regard to Easterns, if you’ve got anything you want to know, questions you want asked, or whatever, post a comment here and I’ll work it into the coverage. I’m a man of the people.

Finally, you should head back to the USAU site to check out the Stanford Invite video recap as well as the 2011 College Division Preview. Do so here. #mce_temp_url#

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