Pools are up!

by | March 11, 2011, 6:39am 0

First of all, welcome to Easterns 2011! This site will be your source for all things Easterns from start to finish. We’ll include some team previews, injury reports, speculation, photos, and plenty of other coverage throughout the coming week.

Tournament Director Greg Vassar published the final pools for Easterns today. This is actually the third version, as team captains were given the opportunity to chime in with their opinion on two prior versions.

In this format, crossover games will be filled with reseeded teams from pool play. 1v1 games are not elimination games for the champ bracket but the 2v3 games are.  4th place teams from each pool are playing in the consolation bracket on Sunday regardless of crossover results.

While the seeds are final, the game times may change because Vassar is looking to stagger Saturday games in order to enhance spectating opportunities. Also, the Friday games are Carleton v. Colorado and Harvard v. UNC-Wilmington. Iowa is also scheduled to play, but their opponent is not yet finalized. These games will not count toward tournament results, but they are sanctioned.




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