Announcing Skyd 2.0

by | April 7, 2011, 12:39am 0

(Note: I felt this post required a little bit of background muzak. So if you’d prefer, scroll down to halt the audio.)

Welcome to the new Skyd Magazine, or as they would say in the industry – Skyd twopointoh. It has been six months since Skyd launched back in November. When we started Skyd, we had a lot of aspirations for what we could accomplish, many goals we’ve met, and many are still on the horizon. We also knew that while our site had the functionality we needed, it wasn’t the most optimal presentation and solution for Skyd and our sport. We knew we needed something better. Something bigger. Something American.

After many months of planning and work with our fantastic developer Andy Lovseth, I’m pleased to release our upgraded site with some seriously enhanced presentation and functionality. Gone is our 1998 retro neon in place of our lovely, modern, 2011 American Apparel grays and whites. But in all seriousness, our new design is honed to better highlight our content and media and to provide a better reader experience overall. We’re still working out some final kinks of this new design, so don’t worry if you run into any issues. Those should be resolved in the next few days.

One of the new features the new Skyd boasts are unique pages for divisions. Now you’ll be able to follow College Women’s and College Open by checking out their exclusive front pages. The same will go with Club and Youth as we provide more coverage. Another section that has been modified is Dumps. Now you can check out daily Dumps links in a easy to follow blog format. Careful, the power of accessing that many links about Ultimate may ruin your college career.

Still to come in our updates is an overhaul of SkydNet as well as some neat-0 announcements. Golly gee.

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

This is just the release of the disc (I’m trying to avoid using the “tip of the iceberg” metaphor). I’m very excited for what Skyd has in store for the future of our Ultimate coverage. In the coming weeks we’ll have a lot more exciting announcements including info about our coverage of the College Championships. Until then, thanks for your support.

Bid or die,

Elliot Trotter

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