D-III Fast Count: St. Olaf Durga

by | May 20, 2011, 1:46pm 0

2011 marks the first year of the USAU D-III National Championship, and the second year that the newly re-branded organization has run the tournament. The bid process to get into this year’s D-III championship is drastically different than last, and by no means uniform throughout the country.  Some teams got there directly through Sectionals Conference Championships, others through Regionals. Skyd sent 10 questions to every team Women’s team competing, and set the email to explode after 8 seconds.

St. Olaf Durga

Skyd spoke with Brittany Ann Faust:

What scares you the most about the upcoming tournament?

Following rules according to the observers. We never play with observers and being off-sides kind of happens sometimes.

Have you perfected your autograph / how many babies do you plan on kissing / did you bring a flag for victory laps?

I already rented a convertible to wave from with my team as we leave the tournament. For the past two weeks we’ve worked on waving elbow-elbow-wrist-wrist.

Distance traveled to Nationals, method of transportation.

Traveling from Minnesota…! We’re flying because the drive takes more than 16 hours and the route is apparently a beast to drive. Plus the tournament is over our Finals weekend soo…

How do you plan to intimidate the competition in pregame warmups?

Like we always do. Aren’t high-knees always intimidating?

Buffalo is The City of No Illusions, of Good Neighbors, and Queen City of the Lakes. Who has the best nickname on your team(and what is it)?

Best nickname on our team goes to Natalie “Dumptruck” Warren.

What has been the highlight of the year so far? The lowlight?

The high light: getting a bid to Nationals, first for any Ultimate team at our school. Lowlight: scrambling to get everything set for Nationals.

Are you going to visit Niagra Falls?

It would be a thrill and honor

Season MVP?

Brittany Faust

Outstanding First Year player?

Lauren “Mad Dog” Hagen

Describe your seniors with 1 adjective each.

Ann Raiho — Honeybun-y
Brittany Faust — Glasses
Natalie Warren — Saxalicious
Britta Torkelson — Moldova-y
Emma Hill — Raccoon-esque
Rachel Takazawa — Lankydancy
Alexia Gurtcheff — skiespeoplewaytallerthanher-y
Erin O’Neill — Hollywoody
Kelsie Brust — Baller

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