Iowa: Gleason’s Army

by | May 18, 2011, 10:17pm 0

The University of Iowa’s Ultimate Frisbee club team was invented in 1991 and has been a contender ever since, qualifying for Nationals six times (including 2011). Check out a short history of their series finishes since their inception:

  • 1991: First Year, Sectionals: 1st Regionals: 8th
  • 1992: Sectionals: 2nd, Regionals: 5th
  • 1993: Sectionals: 3rd, Regionals: 4th (Lost in Game to Go)
  • 1994: Sectionals: 4th, Regionals: 4th (Lost in Game to Go)
  • 1995: Sectionals: Unknown, Regionals: Last
  • 1996: Sectionals: 2nd, Regionals: Last
  • 1997: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 7th
  • 1998: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 3rd, Nationals: 11th
  • 1999: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 2nd, Nationals: 10th
  • 2000: Sectionals: 4th, Regionals: 6th
  • 2001: Sectionals: 2nd, Regionals: 5th
  • 2002: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 3rd, Nationals: 13th
  • 2003: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 3rd (Lost in Game to Go)
  • 2004: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 3rd, Nationals: 5th
  • 2005: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 5th
  • 2006: Sectionals: 3rd, Regionals: 13th
  • 2007: Sectionals: 3rd, Regionals: 11th
  • *2008: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 4th
  • 2009: Sectionals: 2nd, Regionals: 5th (Lost in Game to Go)
  • 2010: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 4th, Nationals: 9th
  • 2011: Sectionals: 1st, Regionals: 2nd, Nationals: ?

*In 2008, Brian Gleason took over an IHUC squad that had fallen from grace. With an emphasis of heavy recruiting and hard work, Gleason brought Iowa back to its former glory. Tragically, he would pass away in January 2008 and would not be able to see his hard work come to fruition. Check out this video from 2008 Central Regionals, where Iowa battles back and almost pulls off an upset against the defending National Champions, the Wisconsin Hodags:

Semi-Finals of 2008 Central Regionals

Also, take a look at this well written article by Inside Breaks’ Jonathan Neeley, where he talks about Brian Gleason and his effect on the IHUC program:

Gleason’s Army

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