Player Profile: Nicky Spiva

by | May 24, 2011, 8:55am 0

Nicky Spiva of Colorado College Wasabi  is one of the most passionate athletes you will run into on the Ultimate field. He’s a big reason that his squad is attending Boulder this year, and is a Callahan nominee. Another player that I will have my eye on in Boulder for sure.

What was your introduction to Ultimate?

My introduction to ultimate was a man in a confederate flag headband and enormous black and gray goatee teaching ‘specialty’ throws like hammers and what not. He was my first coach and instilled a fire and defensive passion that has served me well. Mike Lutz was his name, and he loves the game and has taught other great players like Markham Shofner, Garret Westlake, Alison Douglas, Dan Hodges (Jam), Alex Masulis, Dan Chazin, and Craig Stewart. My highschool was University School of Nashville, team name Brutal Grassburn.

What was your sports background and how did that translate into Ultimate?

Soccer, tennis, lacrosse – mainly contributed some athleticism and love for team sports.

What has your career with CC been like so far?

First practice I can recall Rob Andre, our captain at the time, running down the field puffing a cigarette in one hand as he called for the disc deep. Rob is an awesome guy, and was a great introduction to CC ultimate. Great stories – Graham leaving a voicemail at trouble in vegas saying he’d meet us at the fields in the morning and that he was staying at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, begging our way to beds in New Orleans after Centex, making it to nationals.

What do you do Outside of Ultimate?

English (Creative Writing Track) major, serve on my school’s honor council, starting a course evaluation website for the school, listening to music – I live with a band so this is frequent. Skiing. Observers in Training. (jk)

What’s the plan for Ultimate after College?

Get my body healthy, maybe take time off from club, not sure.  SUPPORT amendment to Club season guidelines this summer for college players to be able to play club where they live in the summer and count as an in-region player either where they are for the summer or where they go to school. Right now players are considered in the region of their school regardless of where they are during the summer. Makes club harder for college kids and means you can’t start teams with your friends from home during the summer to play the serious legitimately.

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