Player Profile: Eric Johnson

by | May 18, 2011, 10:43pm 0

Eric Johnson is an absolute baller and is quite the outdoorsman. When he isn’t on the field throwing bombs or skying his opponents, he is giving back by coaching others.

How did your ultimate career start? Do you have any idols or heroes?
Ultimate for me started my freshman year of high school when I was looking for a new sport to get involved in.  My high school coach Ben Nalezny was a big impact in my ultimate game.  Also my younger brother Josh (Freshman at Luther #13) has always been a big influence for me

What is your sports background and how did those skills transition into ultimate?
Biathlon/nordic skiing helped me create a fundamental and focused training mentality.  Also soccer has been a large part of my life, including playing for the team here at Luther in the fall for the last 3 years.

Tell us about your LUFDA ultimate career.

My ultimate career with LUFDA started in the spring of 2009 after my soccer season finished.  I was extremely fortunate to be surrounded by great teammates and leaders such as Greg Shirbroun (10′), Drew Lee (09′), Reid Wilson (10′), and Isaac White (09′) as well as a talented and fun freshman class.  Coming into my first college season I had high aspirations for myself as a player and it was great to go out and win our section, place 3rd at regionals and make the trip to Columbus Ohio for the College Championships.  I was able to spend time learning from a great group of guys who truly gave their best effort to ensure that I was becoming the best player I could be through our nationals season.  My sophomore season turned out to be a disappointing end result as we failed to qualify for Nationals. This however served as my motivation to get healthy and come back with a vengeance this year (2011).  After earning all region honors in 2009 (1st FOTY) and a 2010 (2nd team) I made new goals of my own to fix my mistakes from 2010 and work really hard all year in preparation for the 2011 series which has resulted in another successful and ongoing season.  This team is a phenomenal group of guys to play with, as well as spend time with off the field and I am looking forward to stepping out on the fields in Boulder with every single one of them.


Eric skying at the 2009 Nationals tournament in Columbus, Ohio.


What is your life outside ultimate like? What are you studying in school? Do you have any hobbies or interests?

I am a psychology major, possible bio minor.  I am a big outdoor advocate and spend a lot of my fall out in the woods hunting with my dad, brother, and a few friends.  Other hobbies; fishing, and canoeing. I have helped coach my younger sisters soccer team (10-15), ran soccer camps and I try to help out with my high school ultimate team when I am able to.  I also have taken junior high and high school kids and worked with them individually on soccer, ultimate and general fitness.

What’s the plan after college? Do you plan to stay involved in ultimate?

Right now I still have another year of school so my primary focus is living in the present and enjoying my time in college, however I am partaking in a Minnesota DNR internship this summer to see if it is something I want to go into.  as for ultimate I plan to get more involved in it these next couple years by letting go of my soccer career and playing with an elite level club team this fall and in years to come.


Eric Johnson is an absolute baller and is quite the outdoorsman. When he isn’t on the field throwing bombs or skying his opponents, he is giving back by coaching others.

How did your ultimate career start? Do you have any idols or heroes?
Ultimate for me started my freshman year of high school when I was looking for a new sport to get involved in.  My high school coach Ben Nalezny was a big impact in my ultimate game.  Also my younger brother Josh (Freshman at Luther #13) has always been a big influence for me

What is your sports background and how did those skills transition into ultimate?
Biathlon/nordic skiing helped me create a fundamental and focused training mentality.  Also soccer has been a large part of my life, including playing for the team here at Luther in the fall for the last 3 years.

Tell us about your LUFDA ultimate career.

My ultimate career with LUFDA started in the spring of 2009 after my soccer season finished.  I was extremely fortunate to be surrounded by great teammates and leaders such as Greg Shirbroun (10′), Drew Lee (09′), Reid Wilson (10′), and Isaac White (09′) as well as a talented and fun freshman class.  Coming into my first college season I had high aspirations for myself as a player and it was great to go out and win our section, place 3rd at regionals and make the trip to Columbus Ohio for the College Championships.  I was able to spend time learning from a great group of guys who truly gave their best effort to ensure that I was becoming the best player I could be through our nationals season.  My sophomore season turned out to be a disappointing end result as we failed to qualify for Nationals. This however served as my motivation to get healthy and come back with a vengeance this year (2011).  After earning all region honors in 2009 (1st FOTY) and a 2010 (2nd team) I made new goals of my own to fix my mistakes from 2010 and work really hard all year in preparation for the 2011 series which has resulted in another successful and ongoing season.  This team is a phenomenal group of guys to play with, as well as spend time with off the field and I am looking forward to stepping out on the fields in Boulder with every single one of them.

What is your life outside ultimate like? What are you studying in school? Do you have any hobbies or interests?

I am a psychology major, possible bio minor.  I am a big outdoor advocate and spend a lot of my fall out in the woods hunting with my dad, brother, and a few friends.  Other hobbies; fishing, and canoeing. I have helped coach my younger sisters soccer team (10-15), ran soccer camps and I try to help out with my high school ultimate team when I am able to.  I also have taken junior high and high school kids and worked with them individually on soccer, ultimate and general fitness.

What’s the plan after college? Do you plan to stay involved in ultimate?

Eric Johnson is an absolute baller and is quite the outdoorsman. When he isn’t on the field throwing bombs or skying his opponents, he is giving back by coaching others.

How did your ultimate career start? Do you have any idols or heroes?
Ultimate for me started my freshman year of high school when I was looking for a new sport to get involved in.  My high school coach Ben Nalezny was a big impact in my ultimate game.  Also my younger brother Josh (Freshman at Luther #13) has always been a big influence for me

What is your sports background and how did those skills transition into ultimate?
Biathlon/nordic skiing helped me create a fundamental and focused training mentality.  Also soccer has been a large part of my life, including playing for the team here at Luther in the fall for the last 3 years.

Tell us about your LUFDA ultimate career.

My ultimate career with LUFDA started in the spring of 2009 after my soccer season finished.  I was extremely fortunate to be surrounded by great teammates and leaders such as Greg Shirbroun (10′), Drew Lee (09′), Reid Wilson (10′), and Isaac White (09′) as well as a talented and fun freshman class.  Coming into my first college season I had high aspirations for myself as a player and it was great to go out and win our section, place 3rd at regionals and make the trip to Columbus Ohio for the College Championships.  I was able to spend time learning from a great group of guys who truly gave their best effort to ensure that I was becoming the best player I could be through our nationals season.  My sophomore season turned out to be a disappointing end result as we failed to qualify for Nationals. This however served as my motivation to get healthy and come back with a vengeance this year (2011).  After earning all region honors in 2009 (1st FOTY) and a 2010 (2nd team) I made new goals of my own to fix my mistakes from 2010 and work really hard all year in preparation for the 2011 series which has resulted in another successful and ongoing season.  This team is a phenomenal group of guys to play with, as well as spend time with off the field and I am looking forward to stepping out on the fields in Boulder with every single one of them.

What is your life outside ultimate like? What are you studying in school? Do you have any hobbies or interests?

I am a psychology major, possible bio minor.  I am a big outdoor advocate and spend a lot of my fall out in the woods hunting with my dad, brother, and a few friends.  Other hobbies; fishing, and canoeing. I have helped coach my younger sisters soccer team (10-15), ran soccer camps and I try to help out with my high school ultimate team when I am able to.  I also have taken junior high and high school kids and worked with them individually on soccer, ultimate and general fitness.

What’s the plan after college? Do you plan to stay involved in ultimate?

Right now I still have another year of school so my primary focus is living in the present and enjoying my time in college, however I am partaking in a Minnesota DNR internship this summer to see if it is something I want to go into.  as for ultimate I plan to get more involved in it these next couple years by letting go of my soccer career and playing with an elite level club team this fall and in years to come.

Right now I still have another year of school so my primary focus is living in the present and enjoying my time in college, however I am partaking in a Minnesota DNR internship this summer to see if it is something I want to go into.  as for ultimate I plan to get more involved in it these next couple years by letting go of my soccer career and playing with an elite level club team this fall and in years to come.

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