Monday Dumps: ECC, CUC, YCC Results

by | August 15, 2011, 5:00am 0

Tournament Results


  • Open – Bay Area Revolver 15-8 over North Carolina’s Ring of Fire
  • Women’s – Seattle Riot 14-13 over San Francisco Fury
  • Mixed – Bay Area Polar Bears 15-10 over Seattle’s Big Foot

Tons of video footage from Skyd to come.


  • Open – Furious George over GOAT 14-13
  • Women’s – Capitols over Traffic 15-6
  • Mixed – Team Fisher Price over Odyssee 13-11
  • Juniors – Shock 15-7 over Overdrive
  • Masters – Nomads 15-11 over GLUM


  • Mixed – Bay Area over Boston 9-7
  • Girls – Seattle over Boston 9-6
  • U16 – Triangle Area over Seattle 10-9
  • U19 – Seattle over Pittsburgh 13-6

Now that this intense weekend of games is over, sit back and enjoy the latest episode of – Europe’s favorite Ultimate show:



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