Women’s Double Helix #2: AntiFreeze, SB Invite, Schermerhorn/Hammond

by | February 9, 2012, 4:00am 0

University of Central Florida captains Ashley Schermerhorn and Mariel Hammond.

We’re back with another Double Helix Skydcast featuring the Women’s Coverage team for the 2012 Skyd College Tour, presented by Spin Ultimate. Robyn Fennig, Matt Davidman and I discuss recent tournament results, regional bids and more. Robyn also talks with University of Central Florida’s captains Ashley Schermerhorn and Mariel Hammond about their recent win at Florida Winter Classic.


Chapter List:

  1. Houston AntiFreeze
  2. Michigan Indoor
  3. Santa Barbara Invite
  4. PresDay Predictions
  5. Winta Binta Vinta Fest
  6. A special announcement for Division III coverage!
  7. Florida Winter Classic
  8. Interview with UCF captains Ashley Schermerhorn and Mariel Hammond
  9. Bid Watch

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