2012 Windmill Windup Preview: Furious Goats (Mixed)

by | June 1, 2012, 10:41am 0

Team Name: Furious Goats
Location: Poznan, Poland
Year Founded: October 2009
Website: http://www.furiousgoats.pl/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/furiousgoats
Twitter: www.twitter.com/furiousgoats
Previous Windmill Appearances: 0 (Windmill virgins!)

The Furious Goats have been fervent followers of Skyd as soon as we started in late 2010, and we’re only too happy to repay their patronage with a preview of this Polish mixed team for Windmill Windup this year. Like the Rebel Ultimate team we previewed yesterday, the Furious Goats are a new team from a small country with a large amount of in-country success: they’ve won the Polish championship two years in a row. This is a hard-working, serious team that looks internationally for inspiration, absorbing training and strategy tips from the top international teams, and they’ll only get better with time. This is their first year attending Windmill, and we’re excited to see how they’ll stack up against the best mixed teams in Europe. 

Can you give us a summary/history of your team?

Our team’s name comes out from our hometown’s legend about two goats: for the last couple of hundred years two goats have been fierce enough to ram each other everyday at noon on the top of the city hall in Poznan. Furious Goats were established in October 2009 in Poznan, Poland. Some of the most experienced players in Poland decided to split up with their old team and create a new, highly competitive mixed team to rival the best mixed teams in Europe. During our 1st Polish Championship as a team we took 5th place. However, exceptional persistence, dedication and hunger for victory made us the 2010 Polish Ultimate Champions. In 2011, every player on the team strived to become better at every aspect of the game. The result was that Furious Goats defended the title becoming the 2011 Polish Ultimate Champions.

The Furious Goats after winning the 2011 Polish Ultimate Championship

Are you just made up of players from Poland, or do you have international players as well?

vs. GMF, Warsaw, Poland

At Polish tournaments, we play only with Polish players. During international tournaments, we like to invite players fromdifferent countries – it gives us an opportunity to get to know awesome people and their culture. We are very happy when players from different countries have a lot of fun playing with us. We love making friends on the field! This year, there are couple of international players playing with us at Windmill.

What player is most likely to make a huge play as a thrower? As a receiver? On D?

In Furious Goats, everybody knows that “there is no “I” in team”: the team as a whole contributes to each point, either on the field or on the sideline. Despite that, we have some players that dominate the field each time they are playing. Starting from offense, you should expect huge throws from our left-handed captain Lukas “Skiba” and some forehand bombs from Jacob “Oscar”. We will be happy to deliver all these directly to some of the most athletic deeps you’ll ever see in the endzone – Maciej “Maniek” and Magda “Madzia”.

IO Break vs. the German Mixed National Team

As a team, we are known for our defensive abilities. Every player on the field is capable of making huge plays on the disc, simply because we always want the disc more than our opponent. You may notice Mikolaj ”Kiziol”  and Aleksandra ”Olka” as two that stick out on the defensive end.

Can you share a tradition, piece of history, or other trait that makes the Furious Goats unique?

The thing that differentiates us from other teams is simply Furious LOVE. We are not just a team, we are a family that spends every day with each other and we never get bored – we even make furious space cookies together! Something really crazy is that we play a extremely stupid game… we are a little bit too embarrassed to tell you about it. The only thing we can say is that we took it from a movie called “The Waiting…” and you get 5 kicks in the butt when you see a GOAT.

How many years have you attended Windmill?

We will be playing at Windmill for the first time as a team. It will be a great experience for us, as well as a perfect opportunity to learn some more Ultimate from the best teams out there.

vs. the Streisands at Bubblepest in Hungary

Why did you choose to go to Windmill this year?

This year in Poland there are not many mixed tournaments that require leaving everything on the field. Since we’re looking to take our game to the next level this year, we thought of Windmill as an awesome opportunity to do that.

What are you most looking forward to this year at Windmill?

Most of all, we are looking for some Ultimate at a very high, very competitive level. Secondly, because for a lot of us Windmill is kind of a small holiday, we will enjoy and have lots of fun in the legendary Amsterdam.

What are your goals for the tournament?

Last year, another Polish team took 9th place at Windmill. We will do everything in our power to improve that result. From year to year, the level of Ultimate in Poland is increasing and we hope we can prove that to other European teams.

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