Friday Dumps: Russian Ultimate, Talampaya, USA vs. Canada

by | February 8, 2013, 8:06am 0

  • The quest for the international recognition of ultimate is gathering steam: we just got word from legendary ultimate organizer Russian Kate that ultimate was officially recognized as a sport in Russia today. Russia joins France and Switzerland among countries that have made the sport official in the past few months.
  • Europe’s premier grass tournament Windmill Windup has moved their registration date forward in response to a record number of registrations for the 2013 edition. Last day to register will now be February 14.
  • Speaking of European tournaments, Ultimate Interviews speaks with TD Patrick Naef about Geneva’s Talampaya, the biggest mixed grass tournament in Europe.

The Swedish Ultimate Federation’s YouTube channel is a goldmine for full game footage. Here’s the 2008 Open finals matchup between USA and Canada as experienced from the crowd:


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