Thursday Dumps: UK Nationals, Morrill, AUDL Week 1

by | April 18, 2013, 7:00am 0

  • USA Ultimate’s College Championships are now a little over a month away. UK Ultimate’s Women’s College Championship is not. It is this weekend. Get caught up on all the insight from this comprehensive preview article by UK Ultimate Outlook.
  • Tim Morrill and Morrill Performance is once again on the blogosphere radar in a quick Q&A on Quarterplays.
  • “Vids, vids, vids.” Shoutout to fellow Skyd intern Patrick Kimutis, who put it right when he proclaimed yesterday that with the college season wrapping up and the professional season just getting started, it’s a great time to be an ultimate fan. Exhibit A: The first AUDL highlight video from the week one clash between the Chicago Wildfire and Cincinnati Revolution.

San Diego State started it all with a gigantic sky from some guy named Beeman. ‘Twas merely a teaser. Finally, the complete highlights from SDSU’s trip to New England Open 2013. Beeman included.

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