Wednesday Dumps: Layout Clinic, Double Dipping, Biking Canada

by | April 10, 2013, 8:45am 0

  • Still think women don’t layout? Wrong. Check out this video of the women’s indoor layout clinic Scandal hosted with Backhanded Compliments and Veto. They’re also kicking off their 2013 tryouts with a Combine on April 21 for all women in the Washington, D.C. area.
  • An amazing story coming from our neighbors to the North. Known simply as “Tim”, this brave soul is riding his bike across Canada with weekend ultimate tournament pit-stops. After stops at the Playa Hata’s Bowl, Gender Blender, and more the ride will culminate in Vancouver on August 15, for the Canadian Championships.

Get a sneak peak at the Vancouver Nighthawks’ most recent combine! If  driving rain, freezing cold, and relentless wind can’t slow them down, what (or who) can?

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