Finally ultimate is ready to begin at The World Games 2013 in Cali, Colombia!
Six countries have qualified: Canada, USA, Japan, Australia, Great Britain and Colombia and they have each brought their 13 best ultimate players in search of medals and memories.
The World Games is a multi-discipline competition with 36 sports competing for medals over 10 days. It is run by the International Olympic Committee and is the competition closest to the Olympics themselves. For ultimate, the opening pull is at 8:30am, Sunday, July 28 when third-seeded Japan matches up against host Colombia in front of what will surely be a large and lively home crowd.
Thanks to an IndieGogo campaign that raised $15,000, all games will be live-tracked for stats and livestreamed for watching online. Additionally, Colombian television will broadcast three matches: Australia-Japan, Canada-Colombia and the gold medal game on Tuesday, July 30th at 6:00pm.
To follow the action and keep track of the games, use the links below.
Livestream: http://tv.theworldgames2013.
Live Stats: http://conceptoocho.com/wing/
LiveBlog: tonyleonardo.blogspot.com
Schedule: http://results.wfdf.org/?view=
Teams: http://results.wfdf.org/?view=
Facebook: WorldFlyingDisc
Twitter: @WorldFlyingDisc
Official Website: theworldgames2013.com/en/
Info specific to the United States National Team:
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