Monday Dumps: Sectionals, Team USA U19 Coaches, Japanese University Ultimate Championships

by | September 9, 2013, 2:14am 0

  • Notable sectionals finals:
    • Men’s: High Five over Madcow 14-13, Oakland over Dire Wolf 15-8, Furious over Voodoo 13-6, Prairie Fire over City Park Ultimate 13-3
    • Mixed: Termite’s Entourage over Jughandle 15-9, The Ghosts over Pleasure Town 15-9, Destructors over Bytown Flatball Club 15-10, Engine 45 over Tire Fire 15-8, 7 Figures over Del Sol 11-8
    • Women’s: Green Means Go over Hot Metal 16-15, Traffic over Zephyr 15-6

Nice footage of the universe point Women’s final at the Japanese University Ultimate Championships, held in the same complex as WUGC2012:

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