Tuesday Dumps: Germany – The Next Powerhouse, Darkside Newest Vets, SIT DOWN Ultimate

by | January 7, 2014, 10:48am 0

  • Eric Brach, who played for the USA Beach National Team, and most recently for the Santa Barbara Condors, was a contestant on last night’s Jeopardy. Check him out in this video here, which also features Alex Trebek laying down some fresh rhymes.
  • Sockeye’s Michael Caldwell got an indirect mention in this Washington Post article about company culture at Valve. “And we’ll also have people who come in and say, as we’ve had, ‘I’m a member of the US national ultimate frisbee league team and we’re going to nationals and I’m going to be gone for six weeks.’ That’s awesome — let’s figure out how you can go do that.”

So this IndieGogo campaign happened:

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