Work for Skyd: Call for Contributing Writers

by | January 16, 2014, 4:18pm 0

Want to see your work appear on the world’s premier ultimate magazine? Have a topic you want to write about and share with the world? Skyd Magazine is on the hunt for talented contributors, journalists and reporters to join our team for paid work during 2014.

We’re looking for contributors interested in focusing on all areas of ultimate from professional leagues, to college and club. We’re particularly interested in contributors focusing on women’s ultimate and youth ultimate.

To apply, send resume and writing examples to Please include “Call for Contributing Writers” in email subject.

Skyd Magazine is a non-discriminatory and equal opportunity employer. No penguins.

Comments Policy: At Skyd, we value all legitimate contributions to the discussion of ultimate. However, please ensure your input is respectful. Hateful, slanderous, or disrespectful comments will be deleted. For grammatical, factual, and typographic errors, instead of leaving a comment, please e-mail our editors directly at editors [at]