Meet the Spring 2014 Skyd Interns

by | March 5, 2014, 9:47am 0

Meet the Spring 2014 Skyd interns! After much deliberation, Ryan Anderson and Evan Sacks have been chosen to join the Skyd team this spring, where they’ll gain valuable experience learning the ins and outs of all things of running an online media publication.

Ryan Anderson


Ryan is a senior at American University, studying International Relations and Political Science. She’s spent time abroad in China (six weeks) and Morocco (four months), is a theatre technician, specializing in electrics, and loves Joss Whedon. She plays for the American women’s team, the Dirty Ladies. We asked her how she got started playing ultimate:

“I was part of a campus flash-mob the spring of my freshman year. I met this awesome girl who I hit it off with at rehearsal, who encouraged me to come out and practice with the girl’s team. I fell in love with the people, the intensity of the sport, and the dedication of the team. That awesome girl is now one of my captains and best friends, and I haven’t looked back since that first practice.”

Evan Sacks

evansacksEvan is a fifth-year grad student at the University of Virginia, where he’s getting his MA in Commerce, Marketing, and Management. He’s a two year captain of Virginia Night Train, as well as the team webmaster. After the conclusion of his Skyd internship, he’s headed to Europe for the conclusion of his program to learn about business from a global perspective. How did he find ultimate?

“Isaac Saul [Pitt, New York Rumble] has been a best friend of mine since we were born. Just before 9th grade, he taught me how to throw a flick in his backyard, and then successfully convinced me to try out for the high school frisbee team. I played for four years at Pennsbury High School, and this is my fifth year playing at the University of Virginia.”

Quick Hits

The attention span of the average ultimate player is plummeting. We asked Ryan and Evan some questions and demanded one sentence answers.

Handler or cutter?

Ryan: Currently a handler, but missing cutting.

Evan: Handler.

Favorite tournament you’ve been to?

Ryan: High Tide is without a doubt my favorite: real games with lots of new friends.

Evan: College nationals.

Top tournament on your bucket list?

Ryan: I can’t wait for the day I get to play at Lei-Out.

Evan: Lei-Out.

Greatest moment in your ultimate career thus far?

Ryan: It’s not a play, but streaming Scandal’s nationals game (on cell phones no less) with our opponents on the sideline of the finals at a tournament I had organized.

Evan: Close call between winning college regionals (2011) and winning HS Easterns (2009).

Most embarrassing moment?

Ryan: A friend from Maryland who I had played with all summer and I marked up together, and I dropped a disc faking, which is pretty damn embarrassing.

Evan: Dropping a pull at a tournament we hosted in spring 2012.

Any plans to play club after college?

Ryan: Most definitely.

Evan: Probably gonna play for Charlottesville Tyrannis (mixed) this year when I return from Europe at the end of June; gonna train to play competitive open after this upcoming season.

Who will win the college championships this year in the Men’s division? Women’s division?

Ryan: I gotta go with my home-region women, UVA, it’s their year to go places; for men, I don’t think Pitt’s done dominating.

Evan: Mens: UNC; Women’s: Virginia.

Where do you see ultimate in the year 2035?

Ryan: Well, the US will have just announced the Olympic line-up for the 2036 games with kids that have been throwing since they were in diapers.

Evan: One league that’s a combination of the current MLU and USA Ultimate systems in a MLS-lite type of system.

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