In honor of April Fools Day, Skyd presents a look at the state of modern online media by anonymous contributor J. M. Goofowitz:
- 1 Other Use For A Frisbee And 19 Other Uses For A Plate
- Which Muffin Hairstyle Are You?
Slate & Salon
- The Colonialist Paradigm Of Ro-sham-bo
- Grand-Masters: When Did Ageism Become Acceptable?
- Junior Worlds & the Fetishization of Young Athletes
AOL Homepage
- See “S*&T Ultimate Players Say,” “Keyboard Cat,” “Double Rainbow” And The Rest Of America’s Newest “Memes”
- This Disc Looked Out Of A Sockeye Player’s Reach. You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!
- Watch What Happens When A Hodag Utters Three Simple Words After A Foul-Contest.
- w4m: NSA Pick-Up Gamer 4 Same
- Missed connection: You were wearing a sequin dress and bandana while yelling at a volunteer observer for poor spirit. I was girl crossing the Quad trying to get to class. You also screamed to me, “Hey c’mon, don’t walk through the endzone.”
- Vintage, Crocheted Disc With Antique Owl Design And Cold-Kilned Mug Of Hand-Poured V8 Splash. $85.00 USD.
- Jock Looking 2 Toss
Perez Hilton
- Friction Gloves: Who Wore It Better?
- The MLU Is The Worst, Also Wall Street Is The Worst, And Yeah, Smarm, We Hate That Too. Ugh, Seth McFarlane.
- USA Ultimate Changes Open Division to Men’s Division. Not Cool, Guys.
- “Hey cutie, wanna huck?”
The Atlantic
- Why I’m Quitting Ultimate
The Onion
- Florida: Decade in Review With Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, and Brodie Smith
- 6 Things You Didn’t Know About The 2004 College National Championship
- TIL beau travelled in the mamabird video
Fox News
- Crawford reveals USAU Budget Proposal, Spending Hurts Wives and Daughters of Military
- USAU Stifles Free-Market Pro-Ulti with Triple Crown Tournament Dates
- Frisbee Catch. This is a clip of a guy catching a frisbee.
- Hot Crazy Moves to Spread Nutella on His Bagel
- Efficacy Model of Voice Value: Formulating the “Expected Vocal Contribution” Algorithm And Ranking the 2014 NexGen Announcers
The New Yorker
- The Ultimate Choice
- [Daily Cartoon of a pig returning a Pulsar to a “Complaints” window]
Mother Jones
- Ultimate’s effect on the microecologies of Wales
Skyd Magazine
- Windmill Wind-Up 2015 Inside Scoop: Can Holland’s Saladboys Defeat Japan’s 4th Grade Team Sausagefingers — Part 6
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