Tuesday Dumps: USABEL Bets, Freedom Poems, and Ultimate Peace

by | July 1, 2014, 7:33am 0

  • The US Men are playing Belgium today in the first stage of World Cup bracket play, and ultimate is getting in on the fun. Head over to the Get Horizontal Facebook page to check out the bet between GH and Five Ultimate. If you’re feeling creative, leave your challenge for the losing team. And don’t forget to cheer on the US Men at 4 EST!
  • The contest may be over, but the laughs live on! Yesterday, Five Ultimate ran a contest on r/ultimate to win a pair of Wings of Glory boxer briefs. They asked folks to write a freedom-inspired poem, and some of the results are truly inspired. Check it out for a good morning chuckle. 
  • Ultimate Peace camps have ended for 2014, and the video they’ve put together is a vibrant burst of colors and fun. Want to contribute to keeping their fun going? Head over to Ultimate Peace’s website to learn how you can get involved.

France might be winning the fun award- this video from Open de Touraine took a full two minutes to get past the dance party, layout leapfrog, and superhero costumes to get to the ultimate. The gauntlet has been thrown, Potlatch 2014:


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