When I heard that Skyd was well behind hitting its target for its 2015 Fundraising campaign, I knew right away that I had to do something. This article is entirely my idea.
Here’s the thing: Skyd embodies exactly what sports should be about. Helping Skyd stay afloat and grow is one simple and obvious way you can – with a few clicks – send a message about the way you think sports, the sporting community, and sports media should be.
I have a lot of personal reasons* why I love Skyd and I want it to continue to grow, but that isn’t the main point here.
Here is the main point: Skyd is about passion and hard work and love for the game and celebrating excellence in all corners of the community. Part of Skyd is about winning and being the best, and part of Skyd is sharing stories about anyone and everyone who gets ultimate. Some articles feature famous players and teams; heroes we all know. Some articles feature everyday players who are working their butts off and are heroes in other ways. Appropriate development of young players (and recognition of those involved in their development) is prioritised. Women feature prominently. Sexual diversity bears a mention. Windows are opened to show ultimate from around the world (I’m writing this in Australia). No, Skyd doesn’t get it right 100% of the time, but they recognize when they don’t. And most of the time, they nail it.
It is breathtakingly refreshing (possible? yes) to read a sports magazine that doesn’t focus exclusively on traditional, over-paid male sports figures. If you believe in equality in sport, reward for passion, and excellence for hard work, you should vote with your dollars to show Skyd and the rest of the world that T H I S is what sports media should look and sound like. $32 000 USD gets collected regularly before the coin is tossed in many sporting arenas – let’s collect it before the end of November for ultimate.
* This article, written by Tyler Kinley, enabled my team to get to Worlds 2012. Yep, I’m that girl. Elliot gave me the opportunity to develop a whole whack of media skills at WUCC 2014. Skyd hosted a bunch of videos I made, garnering them unprecedented viewership. That is full disclosure of my relationship with Skyd, but, as far as I’m concerned, not directly related to the reasons why I think you should support this organisation. I think you should donate because of what Skyd stands for.
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