In the spirit transparency, we’d like to share the information we have so far, as well as an update in our process.
Petition data as 11pm PST, Dec. 18
- 561 signed the community petition
- 546 (97%) of community petition signatories indicated they were ‘opting out’ of supporting the AUDL in 2018 if there was no equal gender representation
- 514 (92%) of community petition signatories indicated they would ‘opt in’ on supporting the AUDL in 2018 if there was equal gender representation
- 344 potential AUDL players have signed the boycott statement.
- 149 potential players signed the original player boycott.
- 195 people, including both female and male identifying players, have asked to be added to the boycott list. We’ll release the list as soon as we can confirm all signatures.
Contacting signatories, using the data
We plan on reaching out to the community petition signatories and collecting information and data that will help us really understand the diverse perspectives of those who support the AUDL boycott. If you signed, expect follow-up communication.
Our next steps
No matter what the outcome of the boycott and the 2018 AUDL season, we see this as an important touchpoint for the ultimate community to identify and unite around activism and support of gender equity. The following ideas are meant to broadly outline organizer efforts moving forward
- Continue to educate, inform and mobilize supporters of gender equity
- Solicit feedback from boycott signatories to inform future steps
- Publicly request specific information and transparency from the AUDL on its decision making processes and its recent proposal to feature more women
- Communication with the AUDL (edited 3:17pm EST)
- If you haven’t signed our community petition and want your voice included, add your name and voice here
- SHARE your opinions and circulate information on social media
- Contact your team, start conversation via email or groupchat
- Get a group of people together and actually talk about this
- Talk personally with a local AUDL owner, ask questions, have empathy and be honest
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