Chasing Sarasota: Kickstarter Campaign Launch

by | December 13, 2011, 9:30pm 0

Chasing Sarasota is launching its final fundraising effort in order to complete the movie. Check out the link to its Kickstarter page, where you can donate to the project and receive some exclusive rewards: Chasing Sarasota Kickstarter

Chasing Sarasota finds itself in familiar territory for an independent film – deep in post-production and figuring out ways to finance the completion of the movie. Unfortunately, Ultimate doesn’t pay seven figure salaries and I can’t fund the movie myself. The Ultimate community as a whole was a huge reason I started this project and, after such positive feedback from the trailer, I knew it was the Ultimate community who could help finish this film. From the start, this project has been much greater than me or Rhino, it’s had a community of people supporting the vision. I would love to add you to that Chasing Sarasota family of supporters.

How You Can Help

So here’s the deal. I’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign. Kickstarter is “the world’s largest funding platform for creative projects.” Instead of holding out hope some angel investor will save the day, Kickstarter allows you to raise money through a community that cares about the content and ethic of your project. Instead of people hoping a project gets completed, now they can donate and empower the creators to finish the project. Additionally, it’s all or nothing fundraising! If I don’t reach my fundraising goal of $10,000 in 45 days, then I get zero dollars and you don’t get charged. This way, if you donate to the film, you’re assured that I have enough money to make it happen.

Donations on Kickstarter will go to fund some necessary (and expensive) parts of the post-production process. Before I release the final product, the movie needs color correction, sound mixing, animation/graphics, a score, first order of DVDs, a website and a few other post-production expenses. I promise the “other” expenses won’t go towards funding the moderately troubling burrito addiction of the Rhino captains (unless you’re okay with funding burrito consumption, then I would ask you to e-mail me for sponsorship opportunities).

Donation Rewards

By now, I hope you’re asking, “what’s in it for me?” Besides getting to see a movie about Ultimate on the silver screen, donors get Chasing Sarasota swag for contributing! On the right hand side of the Kickstarter page, you’ll see rewards associated with contribution levels. Even the smallest contribution will get your name in the credits of the film and the more you donate, the cooler stuff you get (DVDs, discs, jerseys, etc.).

Your contribution to the project will, despite the questionable health implications, allow me to stay locked in my office for 12 hours a day working on the movie. More importantly, it will allow this story to be told and give the Ultimate community a documentary about the sport they love. As Rhino captain, Mario O’Brien said, “Rhino is about building something with a group of guys I care about.” I’m looking to do the same thing with Chasing Sarasota – build something with the Ultimate community and create a movie we can all be proud of.

Kickstarter Link:

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