Tyler DeGirolamo with the layout and classic fake spike for the DC Breeze. Here’s the photo. Skyd now has Instagram! Follow us. USA Ultimate reports on the growing youth division:…
Jen Pashley
May 20, 2014, 8:21am
Know what's worse than being injured? Staying injured. In her latest, Jen takes a look at the physical and emotional battle that is getting back to good health.
The AUDL Midterm Report Card is in, with Beau interviewing some anonymous players and giving his own views on the season so far.
Ultiworld breaks down zone defense from Pittsburgh, Michigan, UNC Wilmington, and UC San Diego, with accompanying video footage. Bentley (Men’s) and Rice (Women’s) were crowned D-III National Champions this weekend….
The MLU provides an inside look at life as a professional ultimate player. Watch the top ten plays from the AUDL in week 5. Check out the top five plays…
Ren explains reactive core training in this week's blog. Oh, you know, just training your core to move and support you in ways that will pay off on the field.
Bama Secs is looking for people who would like to write about their conference. Watch the AUDL ESPN3 Game of the Week – the Indy AlleyCats vs. the Chicago Wildfire. Check…
Lou Burruss
May 14, 2014, 5:48am
"A bunch of old guys pulled their rusty old trucks up to the fields and stood around smoking cigarettes and laying on the horn for every score." ... why haven't you clicked to read on yet?
Andrew Hochstedler, known as the father of ultimate in Turkey, got a chance to meet the pope yesterday. He couldn’t resist the chance to give him a disc, resulting in…
Jackson thinks tournaments should be a thing of the past for young ultimate players. Find out why in this week's 175 Grams.
USA Ultimate sets the schedule for the DIII College Championships this weekend. Carolina Friends School (boys) and North Carolina Saga (girls) win the 2014 HS Southerns Championship. Masconomet (boys) and Amherst (girls)…
Texas releases Mitchell Bennett’s Callahan video. The MLU posts highlights from the games last week. Look into the AUDL from a fan’s perspective. Check out highlights from the Tom’s Tourney…