
The Grind Skyd Magazine

The Grind features words from athletes and minds at the highest level of the game.

It Takes A Village DeAnna Ball

Championship Coach of Ohio State Fever, DeAnna Ball focuses her column on team development from a philosophical and emotive perspective.

Training Blog Skyd Magazine

Training tips, techniques from our expert contributors. Three Thursdays a month

Ultimate Globe Trotter Elliot Trotter

Elliot Trotter is traveling the globe to produce a web series on ultimate. Here’s the latest from abroad. Follow Elliot’s adventure at

Beau Knows Blog Beau Kittredge

Beau Kittredge sets his mind free in his column about nothing.

Strings Spike Friedman

I’m Spike Friedman, I’m a sportswriter for Grantland and The Stranger, and I’m going to do my best to become an ultimate fan this year covering the Seattle Rainmakers.

Contested Strip Megan & Meghan

Ultimate’s only comic!

The Zemelist Matty Zemel

Matty Zemel invites you along on his journey coaching Team India Open in preparation for WUGC 2016.

Transultimate Jenna Weiner

Discussions about transitioning and transgender issues in ultimate.

Scooberlicious Ultimate Lawrence McKendell

Scooberlicious is a FB Live show hosted by Lawrence Mckendell. It’s designed to highlight and celebrate the people and events that make the sport of ultimate so cool! As a player, I’ve discussed and debated with teammates and friends, on many facets of the game, and now I am looking for new people to have thoughtful, and engaging conversations on the various topics of this ever-evolving sport.


Wednesday Dumps: Hammerheads, Rainmakers, LaRocque

by February 27, 2013, 9:54am 0

The NJ Hammerheads share a video from their preseason. Nominate your candidate for the Callahan Award TODAY! The Seattle Rainmakers share some shots from their tryout, courtesy of UltiPhotos’ Scobel…

Monday Dumps: Iowa Indoor, Hello Frisco, Aaron Neal for Nexgen

by February 25, 2013, 2:05pm 0

Iowa State shares their highlights from Iowa Indoor 2013. Ultimate gets a nice writeup in the New York Times’ Games People Play series. The 2013 USA Ultimate Club Championships will…

Friday Dumps: WOC, RISE UP, Gangnam

by February 22, 2013, 10:40am 0

The WFDF 2013 World Overall Championships (WOC) to be held in Sweden. Competitions this year will be held in seven flying disc events — Freestyle, Double Disc Court (DDC), Discathon,…

…and Now I’m Getting Out

by January 9, 2013, 6:39am 0

I waded into this whole mess because I was frustrated by the lack of coverage and conversation.  A huge decision for the future of ultimate was happening entirely behind closed…

Money, Money, Money

by January 2, 2013, 9:51am 0

This is part 4 in the on-going coverage of the Club restructuring situation.  Here are parts 1, 2, 3.  Financials A hidden distinction between NexGen and USA Ultimate’s Triple Crown…

Threads II

by December 26, 2012, 11:56am 0

I hope everyone had a nice couple of days off.  My family and I came down to Texas and while the locals claim it is ‘cold,’ my Oregon children were…


by December 21, 2012, 10:13am 0

First, thanks to everyone who took the time to comment on what I’ve written this week (1,2).  Hopefully what we say has some positive impact.  I am not writing a…


by December 20, 2012, 9:50am 0

If you missed yesterday’s opening arguments, you might want to start there.  Today I am hoping to lay out a bunch of the different strands involved in this whole mess,…

I Guess I’m Getting In….

by December 19, 2012, 10:32am 0

In the last two years I have tried and failed several times to write out my opinion and thoughts on the club restructuring.  Each time, I’ve given up and failed…

Spirited Away

by November 30, 2012, 11:33am 0

I recently agreed to be the chair of the Spirit of the Game committee for USAU.  One of the things I hope to do and included in the charter of…

Expert Panel Responds: Ask a Sports Medicine Expert

by November 29, 2012, 4:00am 0

Last week, Skyd introduced our panel of training professionals and elite level athletes (Anna Bucher, Jaime Wolf and Jamie Nuwer) for our training topic of the month. If you have follow…


by November 28, 2012, 4:00am 0

Last week I wrote about the the dangers and difficulties associated with structure.  This simple post ballooned into an excellent and thorough discussion of the topic.  Kyle, Andrew and Tiina’s…