Skyd Fund 2014: 22 Days – Henry Callahan Remembered

by | November 12, 2013, 1:48pm 0

As part of our 2014 Skyd Fundraiser celebrating 3 years of Skyd, we wanted to turn the page back to look at all of the great ultimate work our awesome contributors have put together. The Skyd Staff and contributors will be counting down the days of our fund with their favorite pieces.

Skyd Fund 2014 is presented by SAVAGE Ultimate!

Be a part of the fund and get 10% off the SAVAGE Ultimate online store at the $20 level, 15% off at the $40 level, and a Skyd Fund jersey from SAVAGE at the $60 level.

Celebrate Skyd with Skyd Fund 2014

Day 22 – Henry Callahan Remembered by Match Diesel

I love history. It’s my undergraduate degree.  Most of the time class was focused on the USA post-WWII. I could only slip flying discs into the curriculum when I could sneak a look at a Skyd article. For me, combining history and ultimate is what the guy who first thought to combine peanut butter and chocolate must’ve felt like. It’s the ultimate study for me.

Match Diesel’s podcast Heating Up has to be the largest piece of source material for me. Looking through his guests you have names like Adam ‘Chicken’ Simon, Joe Kershner, Jeremy Norden, Bart Watson, Morgan Hibbert, Alex Ghesquiere and Kurt Gibson – among a lot of other names. This particular podcast features Jay Callahan, the brother of Henry Callahan who the prestigious Callahan award is named after.

Hearing about the life and death of Henry Callahan leaves me awestruck every single time. Learning about his youth leaves me finding parallels with my first ultimate tournaments and trips to play the sport. And of course, when hearing about the way Henry lived his life, and his spirit for the game, I’m left thinking award’s value and how to make sure that its meaning is properly honored.

So as the college season begins, and the talk of early Callahan award nominees heats up, be sure to consider Henry Callahan, and what his brother Jay shares in this amazing podcast with Match Diesel.

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