The geniuses at Contested Strip present: Ultimate Calls in Real Life
It's hard to say goodbye.
It's Callahan season! Megan & Meghan create their own Callahan video to join in the fun in the latest Contested Strip.
Did the San Diego Growlers make us all their April Fool?
What name should be given to a group of warrior women? ContestedStrip has the answer!
Megan & Meghan
February 13, 2017, 7:00am
What is Valentine's Day really like for an ultimate player?
Megan & Meghan
February 4, 2017, 11:02am
Contested Strip does their best to #explainfootballtoanultimateplayer
Megan & Meghan
November 24, 2016, 11:22am
Happy Thanksgiving from Contested Strip!